How to Update Bank Account Information

Table of Contents:


Procedure for Traditional Accounts

Procedure for Cash Discount Program (CDP) Accounts

Frequently Asked Questions


In order to update the bank account information on file with your iCG Pay account, please have the Authorized Signer of the account upload the following required documents within the Partner Zone.

If you need to have the Authorized Signer for your account updated, please refer to the article provided here.

Depending on what type of account you have with iCG Pay, the required documents varies.

It is important to follow the procedure listed below for the account that you are set up with. If you are unsure or have questions about your iCG Pay Account, feel free to reach out to the Support team at

Procedure for Traditional Accounts

Please note, this request will only update the bank account information on file with iCG Pay. If you also need to update the bank account with the credit card processor, you will need to contact your Sales Rep for assistance.

To update your bank account information with iCG Pay, please have the Authorized Signer of the account upload the following documents to the Partner Zone:
  • Traditional Bank Account Change Form that has been completed and signed by the Owner or Authorized Signer 
    • The bank account number entered in this form must EXACTLY match the voided check or bank letter (such as including the leading zeros)
  • A copy of the Signer's Photo ID
    • PLEASE ensure that the image is clear and the ID is up-to-date.
  • A voided check or bank letter for the new account(s)
    • The bank letter must be on official bank letter head and signed by a bank representative.

Procedure for Cash Discount Program (CDP) Accounts

Please note, this request will only update the bank account information on file with iCG Pay. If you also need to update the bank account with the credit card processor, you will need to contact your Sales Rep for assistance.

To update your bank account information with iCG Pay, please have the Authorized Signer of the account upload the following documents to the Partner Zone:
  • CDP Bank Account Change Form that has been completed and signed by the Owner or Authorized Signer
    • The bank account number entered in this form must EXACTLY match the voided check or bank letter (such as including the leading zeros)
  • A copy of the Signer's Photo ID
    • PLEASE ensure that the image is clear and the ID is up-to-date.
  • A voided check or bank letter for the new account(s)
    • The bank letter must be on official bank letter head and signed by a bank representative.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Do I Upload Documents into the Partner Zone?
    • If this is your first time logging in, you will need to create an account, as you will not be able to log in with your Online Terminal username and password.
    • Once you have logged in, please select Tools>Secure Uploads. You should then be able to upload the requested documents.

  • Why do I need to submit the Authorized Signer's Photo ID?
    • Although the Authorized Signer's Photo ID was included with your initial iCG Pay application, it is iCG Pay's policy to request that the Photo ID be submitted along with account change requests, such as a bank account change. We use the Photo ID to validate the Owner/Officer when account changes are requested to help keep your account protected.
  • Can I upload a Direct Deposit form in place of a Bank Letter?
    • No, you will need to provide either a voided check or bank letter. 


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