Uninstalling the QuickBooks Desktop Plugin

Steps to uninstall the iCG QuickBooks Desktop plugin

Uninstall the iCG QuickBooks Plugin from Computer

  • To uninstall the iCG QuickBooks Desktop plugin from your computer, select Settings from the Control Panel menu. Then select Apps.UninstallAppSettings
  • Under Apps & Features, click iCheckGateway QuickBooks Plugin, then click Uninstall.Uninstall1
  • You may have to confirm the Uninstall selection in a new window. Uninstall2
  • You will be asked to wait while Windows reconfigures the plugin. Uninstall3
  • If QuickBooks is open, it will close automatically. Save your work and then click Next. Uninstall4

Remove the Application from QuickBooks

  • Once the plugin has been uninstalled from your computer, go to Edit>Preferences in QuickBooks.                                                                                               UninstallEditPref1
  • Choose Integrated Applications and Company Preferences. You can manage all applications that interact with this QuickBooks company file here. UninstallEditPref2
  • Make sure that iCheckGateway.com is selected and click Remove. You will be asked to confirm to remove it. Click Yes.          UninstallEditPref3
  • You should no longer see iCheckGateway.com listed in the application box. Click OK to finish. UninstallEditPref4
  • The iCheckGateway QuickBooks plugin should now be uninstalled.